Episode 3: How do you know what processes within your company would be better managed using a workflow application?

In our multi-episode series, Voyager CEO Mathew Costello discusses workflows, technology & where the 2 intersect with the maritime industry.

Today’s episode discusses how to think about whether your process is better managed using a workflow application like Voyager.

Workflow Decision Table

You can use the table below as a guide as to whether or not you should use a workflow application for your processes. Give the exercise a try or use it as something to work through with your team.

Does the process involve 2 or more parties?YES/NO
Is the process repeated often?YES/NO
Is the process managed primarily through email and XLS?YES/NO
When this process is completed, do you still need to manually enter the output or result in another system?YES/NO
Is following this process a key requirement of a contract or Service Level Agreement?YES/NO
Does the data from this process provide you with an insight into your own or your counterparty’s performance?YES/NO
Are steps in the process triggered by specific events, dates, or times?YES/NO
Is the process challenging to keep track of during normal daily operationsYES/NO
Would the automating part or all of this process have a measurable benefit to the company?YES/NO

If you answered yes to at least 60% of the questions above, Multi-party workflows may be a great option for your company? Click here to book a time with our experts to learn more about Voyager and how multi-party workflows can transform your business.


About Voyager

Voyager is a leading workflow and analytics platform for commodity supply chains. The software allows teams and stakeholders to project manage shipment operations – email free.

We bring workflow automation and analytics into the hands of front-line operations. Our customers achieve gains in productivity, reduce freight costs and optimize contracting terms by using Voyager. A cloud-based solution, Voyager is deployed quickly and easily. We enable our customers to uncover insight and value buried in mountains of data previously inaccessible to stakeholders. Find out how Voyager can help you by setting up ademotoday.

Want to learn more?

Contact our team of advisors and we can discuss how Voyager can help your company.