You searched for N/I data in N/I during N/I.

Here’s a preview of how SoF events can be translated into strategic operational insights of a vessel’s stay.

N/I Days

Average Turnaround Time

N/I Days

Pre-Berth Time

N/I Days

Pre Operations Time

N/I Days

Operations Time

Port ofN/I



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How to Interpret This Data?*

By averaging down the duration and frequency of specific port call events in a Statement of Fact, we can see how efficient was a vessel's stay at a specific port:

  • Pre-Berth Time reflects how much traffic is in each port, measuring the time from the first Notice of Readiness to All Fast.
  • Pre-Operations Time represents the operational readiness after the ship has berthed, and is measured by analyzing All Fast to the Beginning of Cargo Operations
  • Operations Time looks at the efficiency of the ship and the terminal working together, and represents the Beginning to Complete of Cargo Operations.Read More

*The dataset includes an anonymized sample of more than 30.000 port call events from Voyager’s database that were aggregated for the purpose of this study. It’s important to advise that the accuracy of the available data depends on the number and accuracy of the Statement of Facts documents that were analyzed for each time period, port, and/or type of cargo. That way, we understand these numbers may not exactly reflect the reality of the vessel turnaround times in this region for the given criteria, although still relevant for discussion and benchmarking.
